Welcome to the New Website!
Just incase you couldn’t already tell…. I’m pretty excited!
THE NEW WEBSITE IS HERE! *Devon does a happy dance*
A huge thank you to 11ten for working relentlessly to put it altogether and to Ryan, my amazing graphic designer for all his advice!
Thank YOU all so much for your patience! For all of you asking where the tour dates are, don’t worry, I haven’t taken a break, they’re back and better than ever (you can see the time of the gigs now too)!
And, if you felt so inclined, you can even comment and leave me a little message or song request(s) on the gig you’re going to.
As well as the tour date space, you’ll now be able to see a list of all released music, lyrics from ‘Lie to Me’, and this handy little blog space where I’ll be able to update you with big (and also not so big) exciting things regularly!
Be sure to check out the videos, gallery and even the lovely new integrated Instagram feed (very fancy, if I do say so myself)!
Please do let me know what you think and if you love it as much as I do!
Speak soon,